FAQ - Answers to Your Practical Questions
Booking My Room
What is the benefit of booking directly?

Booking directly through our hotel's website allows you to receive a 10% discount.

What are the cancellation conditions when I book directly?

The cancellation conditions for flexible rates are more advantageous than on the booking platforms. See our cancellation conditions.

Pets & Dogs at the Hotel
Are dogs allowed at the hotel?

Yes, dogs on leads are allowed and welcome at our hotel. They will be provided with a bed and a bowl.

Are dogs allowed in the common areas of the hotel?

Yes, dogs on leads are allowed in the common areas of the hotel.

What is the rate for staying with a dog at the hotel?

Staying with a dog costs €15 per day. The price includes a special disinfection protocol for animals for the bed, bowl, and room.

Parking at the Hotel
Is parking at the hotel free?

The hotel's outdoor parking is free.

Is there a limited number of parking spaces?

No, the hotel's parking has no space limitations. It can accommodate all hotel guests.

Are there electric charging stations for electric cars?

Yes, there are electric charging stations for cars at the hotel. 

Can the hotel parking accommodate a coach/bus?

Yes, the hotel parking can accommodate a coach. There is also room for the coach to maneuver. 

Accessible Rooms – ADA-Compliant Rooms
Are there accessible rooms for people with reduced mobility?

Yes, there are accessible (ADA) rooms at the hotel. They are located on the ground floor and are equipped with showers.

Is the pool accessible for people with reduced mobility?

No, the pool does not have facilities for people with reduced mobility.

Payment Methods
What payment methods are accepted?

We accept payments by VISA, Mastercard, AMEX*, Cash*, Holiday Vouchers*.

 *only at the hotel.

Smoking at the Hotel
Can I smoke at the hotel?

In accordance with legislation, smoking is prohibited inside the hotel (rooms and common areas). Smoking will result in a €150 fine.

Smoking is allowed in the hotel's outdoor areas, and ashtrays are provided for this purpose.

Check-In & Check-Out
What time is check-in at the hotel?

Room check-in is at 4 pm. If you arrive earlier, you can enjoy all our common areas. If you arrive late, our reception is open 24/7.

What time is check-out at the hotel?

Room check-out is at 11 am. You can then enjoy all our common areas before leaving the hotel.

Can I have a late check-out?

If availability allows, late check-out is possible. The charge will be €50.

Ski Shop
Can I rent my ski equipment at the hotel?

The hotel provides a ski shop for renting and returning your ski equipment et clothing directly at the hotel, saving you the hassle of renting downtown.

Book my equipment